Monday, February 14, 2011

Back from Hiatus

Ok, so I've been slacking a bit. Been a bit more busy at home and work then usual, but still no excuse.  I've been doing pretty good with eating and working out. Down 3 lbs from when I started. Still working on running but that's probably the hardest part for me. I'm going to try to get outside while we are in a warm spell. Would be nice to not be on a treadmill.

So, this month Bakers Square has my favorite pie that only comes around once a year. It's called the European Truffle Pie. Think French Silk but with a cookie crumb crust, layer of chocolate ganache, dark chooclate french silk filling, and chocolate whipped cream topping. Sooooo delicious. I was tempted to go buy a whole pie, but I just got a piece this weekend when I went with my mom  and I'll probably go there once for lunch with a coworker yet this month.

Last night I also made a big batch of Beef-barley-lentil-veggie soup, so that should last me quite a few meals this week. I just need to start getting up on time to make sure I have a good breakfast and make some good snacks to bring to work.

Right now I have 14 weeks in my countdown till I go down to Florida for a friends wedding. My goal is to loose at least 10-15 lbs by then, 20 would be awesome but not going to push it. I'm still allowing myself one meal a week that I can not worry too much about my calories. Those haven't been so bad. It's usually been when I go out to eat.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Some random things about what I've been doing differently

So, figured I would take some time to write down some of the things I've been doing differently on my journey here.

- I found out that if I chop up the lettuce in my salad I can get by with only 1 Tbsp of dressing instead of 2. Seems like the dressing coats the lettuce better when it's in smaller pieces.  Once I finish up the House Dressing I got form the Melting Pot (I love it!) I'm going to move to a lower calorie dressing. 1 Tbsp. of this right now is 80 cals.

- I had a craving for brats the other day so I bought a small pack. I had one without a bun and a bunch of broccoli. I also measured out 1 Tbsp. of ketchup and added a bunch of mustard since there is next to zero calories in mustard.

-Not only have I been tracking my food diligently but I've also been measuring everything, including condiments, at least for now.  After awhile I'm sure I'll get better at eyeballing the amounts, but for now figured measuring is the way to go.

-I've also been working on cutting down the bad stuff that I don't want to cut completely out. For example, I had a salad the other day that I usually like shredded cheese and bacon pieces on. I cut down half of the cheese I usually use down to 1/8 c. and instead of the usualy 4 pieces of bacon I cut up, I used only 1 piece. 

-I've been working really hard to have a bunch of veggies and fruit around to snack on, especially celery and cucumbers since they are very low in calories and it gives me the satisfaction of crunching on something.

-The best thing I've been doing is taking the time at night and on the weekend to plan out my meals and make ahead of time what I can. I just bought some bananas to let soften to make up some more whole wheat banana flax pancakes for breakfast.

Well that's all for now. Just wanted to share while I was thinking about it.  Thanks for listening!


I just found out that my favorite pie is at Bakers Square this month. The European Truffle Pie. Delicious chocolately goodness. So now I need to try to work in getting a few slices into my diet this month. I'm sure I can fit it in, just got to plan.


Still feeling a bit discouraged today. Weight still doesn't seem to be moving. I'm on day 4 of meticulously tracking my calorie intake. I've been working out a good amount, incorporating proper rest days. I drink a lot of water. What's wrong? I'm hoping maybe this week it's due to retaining water or something since it's that time of the month, I guess we'll see come next week.  I have day 3 of my week 4 of running so we'll see how that goes.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The day after.....well....yesterday

Our fair state is blanketed in snow, some counties and freeways have been deemed impassable. Crazy. While not snowed in, I am home bound from work for the day again.

Yesterday I had a successful day of logging my food, and I am looking to make this day 2. It looks like the plows came through here recently so I should be able to make it out to the gym during my lunch break today to do my C25k running.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Well, we are currently under a blizzard watch and I am working from home probably for the next two days. I 'm still debating if I want to try to drive the three blocks to the gym to work out for a bit, or try to do some stuff here at home. The girl that lives below me is gone so I don't have to worry about making too much noise so that's at least an option.  Decisions, decisions.

Lunch Time!
My mom picked me up a Wendy's Apple chicken pecan salad for lunch today. Normally the full thing would be about 580 calories. But, I decided not to use the small package of candied pecans (110 cals saved) and only use 1 package of dressing (60 calories saved). Yay me! brave the cold and snow covered streets for a long and difficult 3 blocks, or to stay home snug and warm in my computer room.. Hmmm.  Thinking of staying in right now.


Well, yesterday I managed to do the next week of my C25k which consisted of the following:
5 min warmup
3 min running
1:30 walk
5 min run
2:30 walk
3 min run
1:30 min walk
5 min run
cool down

I was worried about doing the 5 minutes of running but I managed to complete it. I did, however, have to go down to 5.6 instead of the 5.8/6 I've been running at.  I'm going to try to work my way back up to running the 5 at 5.8 by the end of the week.

So, I'm a little discouraged this morning. I weighed myself, and nothing...scale didn't even move.  I just don't know what else to do.  I'm going to try to be more diligent with logging my food and see if I can work in some more cardio when I do my strength workouts.  I just want to see a few pounds drop off.