Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Well, we are currently under a blizzard watch and I am working from home probably for the next two days. I 'm still debating if I want to try to drive the three blocks to the gym to work out for a bit, or try to do some stuff here at home. The girl that lives below me is gone so I don't have to worry about making too much noise so that's at least an option.  Decisions, decisions.

Lunch Time!
My mom picked me up a Wendy's Apple chicken pecan salad for lunch today. Normally the full thing would be about 580 calories. But, I decided not to use the small package of candied pecans (110 cals saved) and only use 1 package of dressing (60 calories saved). Yay me!

ugh...to brave the cold and snow covered streets for a long and difficult 3 blocks, or to stay home snug and warm in my computer room.. Hmmm.  Thinking of staying in right now.

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