Monday, February 14, 2011

Back from Hiatus

Ok, so I've been slacking a bit. Been a bit more busy at home and work then usual, but still no excuse.  I've been doing pretty good with eating and working out. Down 3 lbs from when I started. Still working on running but that's probably the hardest part for me. I'm going to try to get outside while we are in a warm spell. Would be nice to not be on a treadmill.

So, this month Bakers Square has my favorite pie that only comes around once a year. It's called the European Truffle Pie. Think French Silk but with a cookie crumb crust, layer of chocolate ganache, dark chooclate french silk filling, and chocolate whipped cream topping. Sooooo delicious. I was tempted to go buy a whole pie, but I just got a piece this weekend when I went with my mom  and I'll probably go there once for lunch with a coworker yet this month.

Last night I also made a big batch of Beef-barley-lentil-veggie soup, so that should last me quite a few meals this week. I just need to start getting up on time to make sure I have a good breakfast and make some good snacks to bring to work.

Right now I have 14 weeks in my countdown till I go down to Florida for a friends wedding. My goal is to loose at least 10-15 lbs by then, 20 would be awesome but not going to push it. I'm still allowing myself one meal a week that I can not worry too much about my calories. Those haven't been so bad. It's usually been when I go out to eat.

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