Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Well, yesterday I managed to do the next week of my C25k which consisted of the following:
5 min warmup
3 min running
1:30 walk
5 min run
2:30 walk
3 min run
1:30 min walk
5 min run
cool down

I was worried about doing the 5 minutes of running but I managed to complete it. I did, however, have to go down to 5.6 instead of the 5.8/6 I've been running at.  I'm going to try to work my way back up to running the 5 at 5.8 by the end of the week.

So, I'm a little discouraged this morning. I weighed myself, and nothing...scale didn't even move.  I just don't know what else to do.  I'm going to try to be more diligent with logging my food and see if I can work in some more cardio when I do my strength workouts.  I just want to see a few pounds drop off.

1 comment:

  1. though i doubt you'll have the diligence for this since you don't remember to log your food... but have you ever tried weighing in every day and making a graph of it? I liked that because i could see the fluctuation within the week and the gradual downward trend. Once i weigh in in a week, that's what i'll be doing
