Friday, January 28, 2011

The Bernstein Bears and ..... too much munching!

Well, not so sure about them but I know I definitly have a munching problem at work. Especially between breakfast and lunch for some reason. I usually try to bring some kind of crunchy veggies to curb the desire which usually works, especially celery. They say a good breakfast is supposed to keep you full, but for some reason whenever I eat breakfast it seems like I'm hungier until lunch.

I realized last night that I need to be more dilligent with tracking my food consumption. I know it worked for me last time I stuck to it so I dont' know why I keep forgetting. Probably part laziness.  I talked to my sister last night via Skype and she's been doing a fantastic job tracking her food for that last two weeks.   I need to work a bit harder on that.

I usually have a stash of dove dark chocolate pieces in my cube which I would eat one or two after lunch. That was just enough to curb the chocolate craving I usually get. I got rid of all the chocolate that I have but then I just sit here wanting chocolate and fighting the urge to go to the vending machine. I can't win.

1 comment:

  1. What about a chocolately type snack that fills you up too? Like chocolately chip teddy grahams? Or a rice cake with dark chocolate PB topped with jelly, an apple, or a banana? These options are all about 150 cals. Usually just getting something sweet helps me out!
