Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day one completed, sore abs imminent

Starting weight this morning. 166, ugh.

Well got my ass in gear and actually made it to the gym during my lunch break today. I did day one of my couch to 5k program which consisted of 5 min warm up, 20 minutes alternating between 1 minute running and 1:30 minutes walking, followed by a 5 minute cool down.  I got up to about 6 mph for the running portions. I haven't been running in awhile so it wasn't the easiest thing, but I managed. I can already feel my quads and abs burning a bit.

After that I did a little strength routine consisting of 3 rounds of the following:
- incline bench press, 8 reps
- bent over row, 8 reps
-single arms kettle bell swings, 5 reps each arm
-burpees (also called squat thrusts) for 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off for 2 minutes.

Well, using 10 lb weights I didn't have any issues with the weight parts. The burpees kind of killed me and I ended up only doing 1 minute of the intervals. I forgot how much they take out of you. I'm striving to work up to doing the full 2 minutes without dying.

After work I met up with my friend at Anytime fitness and walked for another 30 minutes, did 5 minutes on the stair climber, and then did some lower back and oblique work on the back extension bench. I will probably feel it tomorrow.

Eating wise I actually staying within my calories. I did go over but the exercising helped to bring it back under.  I still ended up snacking a little at work, need to cut that down a bit. I grabbed two small tootsie rolls from a bowl and didn't realize it was a total of 100 cals. Eek.

Now I'm just sitting down to watch Despicable Me and have one of my favorite snacks - Celery topped with mustard. yum!

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