Monday, January 17, 2011

Pizza! Pizza!

Ok, so I was a little lazy this week, sorta. I ended up spending a good majority of Saturday cleaning my apartment top to bottom, which actually was a bit of work. But now it's all nice and squeaky clean!  Breakfast was some oatmeal and fruit. Lunch - leftover steak and asparagus. But for dinner, I decided I didn't want to cook and used the free pizza coupon I had from Domino's and got a sausage and black olive pizza. I only ate 2 pieces which isn't horrible, and a medium pizza lasted me 4 meals. 

Sunday I spent most of my day doing some much needed digital organizing on the computer and going through the piles of CDs and DVDs I had laying around in my computer room. While doing that I got through a good portion of LOST - which I'm finally watching.  In the afternoon, however I decided I should get my ass up and do something, so I ended up renting a disc of LOST from the video store to take to Anytime Fitness and walk for a bit. At least I did something right?

Later I did a bit of shopping and got some good food for the week. Got some fruit, tuna, and a lot of veggies which I washed and cut up last night so they are good to go.

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