Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hitting the ground running

Ok, so I'm not exactly fat but I've had anywhere from 10-30 extra pounds hanging around ever since high school that I'd like finally gone. After years of saying I'm going to do something about it...and failing....I decided to finally get my ass in gear.  I decided to make this blog to document my efforts as a way to hold myself accountable.

So after stepping on the scale yesterday and realizing that I had somehow gained another 5lbs I decided what a better time then now.  So here's what I'm going to be doing:

   Well this isn't exactly the hard part, mostly. I actually enjoy a lot of healthy foods - fruits, veggies, whole grains, etc. I just also LOVE snacking, chocolate, ice cream etc. I'm pretty sure the latter are the culprits. A few years ago with the help of I was able to successfully lose 20 lbs by calorie counting. While tedious, it did help so I'm going to turn back to that for awhile.

    I've been going to the gym off and on with a friend but haven't really put in that much effort other then walking for awhile. I actually had a good routine down last year but months of slacking really take a toll on you. One thing I just started is a couch to 5k program along with my sister. We are planning on doing a 5k around St. Patty's Day, so I have some incentive now.
   I'll also be doing some different kinds of strength training, which I'll outline on my posts.

  Probably the most incentive of all is myself in a bathing suit, which right now I'm really not liking.  So I am going to try to add some photos along the way.  I also have a friends wedding coming up in May, at which I would really like to wear a dress that's been hanging in my closet unworn for quite some time now.

Well...wish me luck!

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