Monday, January 17, 2011

Trudging through the snow...

Today we are expected to get 3-5 inches of snow, so I decided it wasn't worth making the 45min to and from work and am working from home.  When I look out my window I can't really decipher the road from the yards since the plows haven't come through yet. Because of this I decided not to drive to the gym during lunch, but walk the 4 blocks there. It actually wasn't so bad. The most annoying part was walking through the piles of snow on the sidewalks, murder on the calves.

Today my workout consisted of day 4 of my C25k routine and some strength training. For my C25k, today's workout was 5 min warm up, then 1:30 run and 2 min walk intervals for 20 minutes, then 5 min cool down. I was able to keep up a 5.8 pace on the treadmill during all of the runs.

After that I did a small strength routine that consisted of three rounds of:
   thrusters (10 lb weights)
   reverse lateral flys (5lb weights)
   lunges (5 for each leg)
   mountain climbers (20)

My legs are a bit noodle like, but otherwise I'm doing good. Now to go home and make myself a nice lunch of tuna lettuce!

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