Tuesday, January 25, 2011


OK, so I've been slacking a bit. This past weekend went ok. I actually didn't really get to the gym except for Sunday, but I did do a lot of cleaning around the apartment. I splurged and got an order of sweet and sour chicken which I spread out into 4 meals so I wasn't eating too much at once. I did my C25k running on Sunday to end week 2 and did week 3 yesterday. This weeks running conisists of the following:

5min warmup
1:30 run
1:30 walk
3:00 run
3:00 walk
1:30 run
1:30 walk
3:00 run
3:00 walk
5 min cooldown.

The first 3 minute run wasn't to bad, the second one had me pushing it to finish - but I made it!

Last night I made a pot of veggie stew. I use a Bob's Red Mill Veggie soup mix and add potatoes, carrots, celery, and peas. It ends up being around $1 a serving and like 170 cals per serving. Very yummy! I get 5 servings out of a pot, so that will be my lunch for the rest of the week. Just got to figure out what to do for dinners. 

Heading to the gym today during lunch, thinking I'll probably do a little bit of cardio to warm up the muscles then do some strength training.

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